Quick payroll & human resource systems in Maldives for a seamless payday.

MiHCM Cloud HR System

No one understands your employees like we do. Discover how we can help you manage the employee lifecycle, productivity & process payroll in minutes.

MiHCM HR Software

Telah Digunakan
1000+ global companies

Telah Digunakan
1000+ global companies

Solusi Kami

Complete HR management system for small, medium & large businesses

Managing people isn’t easy. And yet, we make it happen. Go from hire to retire.

MiHCM Lite

untuk Bisnis Start Up

Cloud HR & Payroll software in Maldives

Sederhanakan serta optimalkan. Kelola karyawan, pantau absensi secara online, proses gaji & bawa sistem SDM Anda kemana pun!

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MiHCM Enterprise

Solusi SDM Komprehensif untuk Bisnis Skala Menengah & Besar

Unified HR system to manage medium & large-scale global operations

Elevate, innovate & lead. Streamline labour management, boost employee performance & drive strategic growth.

Modul & Fitur Kami

One Powerful HR Platform in Maldives

yang melengkapi semua kebutuhan bisnis Anda

MiHCM presents a simplified human resources portal that helps you manage employee profiles, track leave, and create workflows. Empower your people to handle their attendance, timesheets, and more through Employee Self Service (ESS) portal.
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No more inaccurate and stressful payroll processing. Our HRM payroll system ensures seamless compliance with Maldivian labour and statutory requirements. Calculate social security contributions, check online attendance, and benefits and process payroll in minutes.
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Attract the right people and build teams that thrive. MiHCM human resources systems deliver a simplified applicant tracking system that helps you streamline applications, schedule interviews, and identify the right candidates. Make onboarding the launchpad for your employee engagement.
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Tingkatkan kinerja tim Anda dari baik menjadi luar biasa. Dengan sistem MiHCM HRIS, Anda dapat dengan mudah menetapkan target, melakukan penilaian kinerja, dan memberikan umpan balik 360°. Jalankan survei, dapatkan masukan yang membangun, dan analisis untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.
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Provide your employees with an end-to-end learning and development experience – give them the necessary resources to upskill and reskill. Analyse performance improvement plans, create training schedules, and track employee growth & development in no time.
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Turn people data into gold. Deep dive into your HR data and understand diversity, productivity and leave patterns for better hiring, happier employees, and higher profits.
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Feature Announcement

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Asisten Terpintar dalam SDM 

Asisten SDM bertenaga AI untuk menyederhanakan beban kerja Anda 

Kurangi tugas SDM menjadi setengahnya dan tingkatkan produktivitas Anda dua kali lipat. SmartAssist memberdayakan Anda untuk melakukan lebih banyak hal hanya dengan sekali klik. Buat surat, buat deskripsi pekerjaan, dan Dapatkan jawaban langsung untuk pertanyaan terkait ketenagakerjaan perusahaan Anda  


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10 Important Questions Answered When Shifting to HR Software

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