Protective Measures Against the New Coronavirus

To all our Valued Customers & Partners,

The COVID-19 has been characterised as a Pandemic by the World Health Organisation; thus, we are releasing this notice to all our clients and partners across Asia Pacific region, in order to announce the measures and precautions taken by MiHCM to control the harmful impact of this outbreak while ensuring our business continuity.

One of the key lessons learnt so far is to practice “social distancing” to reduce the spread of virus & new infections; therefore, we are taking all measures to protect our team members. These are the steps pursued for safety of our valued customers & partners as well.

  1. We have postponed all the overseas travel of our staff until the spread and severity of the outbreak is managed.
  2. All staff returning from respective regional travel to their home bases will be strictly advised to be self-quarantined for 14 days.
  3. All MiHCM staff in our South East Asia regional HQ office Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, R&D center/South Asia office in Colombo, Sri Lanka & Australia will commence work from home (WFH) with immediate effect. MiHCM’s internally used cloud software allows us to switch to this mode of operations without having any impact on our work.
  4. All our staff in Malaysia, Sri Lanka & Australia, will provide all the ongoing implementation & support services online in order to prevent probable impact of the outbreak while assuring the business continuity.
  5. Some of our teams who will be required for onsite visits will do so after consultation with respective clients and taking adequate measures to safeguard themselves. However, they will coordinate with clients to deliver these essential services completely online utilising collaboration software solutions.
  6. Our HR platform: MiHCM is a pure-play cloud product, and we have established infrastructure and working protocols to provide customer support and pursue product updates completely online. Other internal software programs used by our technical and support services teams are absolutely cloud based; therefore, the help desk function will not be interrupted.


While staying informed about this outbreak we are deeply concerned about the safety of our clients and partners; thus, we hereby request you to read through the “Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus” outlined by the World Health Organisation.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public

Finally, we take this opportunity to thank all the first responders, doctors, nurses, armed forces, public health officials, and medical researchers across the globe for carrying out numerous tasks to fight this pandemic.

Thank you!
MiHCM Team.