Do successors come only through internal sources?

Forward thinking organizations keep attracting a steady flow of talent into the fold which helps the organizations refresh/ update knowledge and add the intelligence of these employees to further streamline/ improve current business processes.
HR to get the money ball rolling with HR software

Lately, CHROs and other HR professionals face fierce competition in the business landscape. Every organization demands the HR organization to become a strategic business force that drives profitability in the organization.
How does HR software deliver business value with HR-centric input?

Modern HR functions include broad range of HR analytics and insights that support a variety of confident business decisions around employee performance, learning management, demographics etc. hence it is important that HR departments along with department heads utilize these analytics to derive at conclusions on above aspects.
HR software to deliver on workplace & culture aspirations

2016 is close at hand… figured out whether your employees have progressed to a satisfactory level or not? Were you able to identify what motivates them to achieve that extra mile in their related role?