Why do we need employee performance evaluations?

Why do we need employee performance evaluations? 4

Workforce performance evaluations may seem like a heap of paperwork. Your HR department spends many days, weeks, perhaps months each year to ensure your team leaders complete their employee performance evaluations on time. Why do they go through this?

How to improve HR decisions with HR Analytics

How to improve HR decisions with HR Analytics 5

Digital HR facilitates three ways by which we can eliminate HR decisions made on guesswork.

Accurate data at your fingertips: Digital HR provides you with real-time access to a pool of HR insights to analyse trends in attendance, employee turnover, performance and many other talent management dimensions.

Support core HR processes with Digital HR

Support core HR processes with Digital HR 9

Is your organisation putting a huge amount of time and energy to run its HR department? Have you ever wondered if there was a solution for the cost that HR consumes throughout the year? In the year 2015, the median budget for HR expenditures on an employee has been $1375.