New HR organisation with Digital!

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New HR Organization with DIGITAL!

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Widespread technological forces are redesigning the workplace, workforce and work practices this calls for a need to create the “New HR Organization New HR organization is the HR entity surrounded with empowered teams, mentored by a new model of leadership, and driven by a breed demographically diverse workforce. The new HR organization must develop younger and much engaged leadership roles. Another challenge for new HR organizations is to create the work environment demanded by the modern workforce. Today’s workforce is becoming more analytical, mobile, social and flexible. At the same time, workforce expectations for consumer-grade experiences are increasing. Fitting into the expectations of this modern workforce requires HR and IT leaders to re-look at HR service delivery technologies and HR Experience. To drive this transformation towards the new HR Organization, business leaders including HR leaders are planning on understanding and developing a culture and a work environment that transforms people and constructing a new model for people management. In this journey organizations are vying for top talent in a highly competitive talent. HR leaders are now embracing digital technologies to reinvent the workplace and ensure everything we discussed above is built in the workplace. Digitization is not leveraged only to reinvent HR. Digital HR is perceived as a stepping stone to digitize the entire business strategy of an organization. Digitizing the HR function enables HR leaders to restore traditional/annual performance management practices with feedback-driven/ regular performance reviews. Further an engaging learning culture would be established to ensure every employee acquires complete knowledge on the business. New learning management will enable learning based on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which will help employees continuously learn from anywhere, anytime. Finding the best talent would no longer be a challenge to companies with Recruitment in the digital age. We will be discussing how recruitment would transform with a whole new digital experience in our future posts. Amidst these changes in the talent management side of HR, HR leaders should now play a new role as the curators and designers of these new/digital people management processes. According to research, “the mission of the HR leader is progressing from that of chief talent executive to chief employee experience officer.” The digital age requires HR to simplify processes. Digital HR with its reinvented core and talent management functionalities will allow;
  1. Employees to manage heaps of knowledge and information at work
  2. Team leaders to empower employees with continuous feedback on their progress
  3. Business leaders to gain deep and broader understanding of people via HR insights generated on employee demographics, talent matrix to other.
These 3 points are few BASIC outcomes of talent management delivered by Digital HR. we will be discussing the business benefits of digital HR in much more detail in the future. This means that HR is redesigning almost all of its processes—from recruiting to performance management to on -boarding to succession planning and learning management besides the core HR. and to make this transformation a success, HR must upgrade its digital competence. HR should realize;
  • How CLOUD TECHLOGY enhances productivity, confidentiality and cost effectiveness of HR
  • New analytical capabilities offered by HR and how these capabilities would support talent decisions in the future
  • Importance of forming a new social contract between employees and the organization to keep employees better engaged
  • Mobile HR, being an integral lever in a digital HR solution, allows employees as well as business leaders to manage essential HR needs on the go
Realizing these values of digital HR would ultimately help HR professionals to have laser-sharp digital skills. Note that these skills are mandatory to convince business leaders on ROI of digital HR. Visit to explore Digital HR!

Written By : MiHCM Reporter

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