Support core HR processes with Digital HR

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Is your organisation putting a huge amount of time and energy to run its HR department? Have you ever wondered if there was a solution for the cost that HR consumes throughout the year? In the year 2015, the median budget for HR expenditures on an employee has been $1375. Which means a tremendous amount of money is wasted for traditional HR methods. How do you face this challenge? Rest assured. Digital HR has brought you the perfect solution. The digitization of the core HR processes is the revolutionary step for any organisation with traditional methods of HR with piles of files, traditional calls and emails processes. It systemizes every bit of data carried out by your HR department and offers you to maintain your core HR processes and more, using an automated system. This all-in-one Digital HR makes every task easier. The core HR functions; managing employee profiles, generating documents and letters, keeping track on employee time & attendance, all can be done through a single platform with Digital HR. It gives you convenience as well as security. Employee self-service is an outstanding aspect of Digital HR. Employees are provided with facilities such as marking attendance, view their timesheets, request and manage leave, as well as share their thoughts and new ideas on a common dashboard where other employees can like, comment and send feedback. This keeps the employee always posted on how many leaves he has applied for, if his attendance is within an acceptable range, etc. Also, all the employees’ personal information will be stored in this system and can be managed easily, unlike the old days, where the HR had to comb through files and manually change the employee profiles. The best part is, all these information is automatically synced with Core HR and Talent Management modules. Digital HR’s core functions also include convenient documentation facility and document management, where employees and HR department do not have to use email and various documenting apps, they can easily generate documents through the same platform. All the documents will be saved in the system, therefore there is a minimum risk of losing your valuable documents. That’s not all. Digital HR also helps you find whichever document you need in a second with its smart searching ability. All you have to do is type a few words included in the particular document. You will also be able to categorise your documents in customized categories as you wish. Ever wondered who you indirectly work under? Digital HR has the ability to let you know. It can draw organisational hierarchy with all its business entities such as company, subsidiaries and departments. This can be very useful for large organisations with a massive number of employees where the hierarchy can be confusing even to the leaders itself. Last but not least, Digital HR also notifies you with important alerts, allows you to request training for your team and to access the training calendar, to read the HR news and also to stay updated on events, birthdays, and work anniversaries. Digital HR can be a tremendous change for your organisation and positively affect its workforce by making their work more convenient and time-saving. It can also save you from spending money on unnecessary processes by systemizing half of your work. So, if you were hesitant on taking the step forward towards digitization, towards Digital HR, now would be a good time to take that leap of faith and to make your organisation an ever-evolving one. Take a look at our HCM Cloud on for more information. We will be back with more interesting blogs. Stay tuned.

Written By : MiHCM Reporter

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