Learning management to refresh workforce competencies

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HR Organizations should continuously train employees/ update their knowledge on respective domains. This will help employees to stay abreast of all developments/changes in their domain.

While ensuring employees will be trained and their knowledge will be constantly refreshed, we need to see a proper system that administers training programs… because the effectiveness of the training program depends on how well it was planned!

Does your leaning management system follow ad-hoc processes of sending employees for training without analysing the employee’s training need? Does HR department along with team leaders have an estimated training budget based on which employees will be selected and sent for training?

Before sending employees for training, companies should have a process to estimate training budget, identify the actual training needs in every department, have a training administrator assigned to schedule and manage training programs, dispatch training proposal and notify participants etc. a systematic approach to plan training programs and have relevant training programs scheduled based on a need analysis makes the entire learning management practice more effective in the organization.

Before delivering learning content to your employees, you need to have a proper training management system in place to manage above aspects. At Microimage, we enable our clients to implement our Learning Management system to manage above components of organizing and implementing training programs based on a relevant need analysis.

To alleviate the pain of HR and the training administrators, a typical learning management system should facilitate the setting up of both local and foreign training programs. Further, the ability to define institutes, training calendars etc. certainly adds convenience to the training process making administrators plan and implement training programs using one single platform.

HR software vendors, offering multiple HR functionalities will be including these features to their learning management software component in the HRIS. Hence HR organizations could handle their training programs and evaluate results much easily with minimum amount of manual work.

We invite our readers to comment with more features they would like to see in a Learning Management System, while having a look at our Learning Management software in the Microimage HR Software.

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