#1 is to hire the right people in the first place!

#1 is to hire the right people in the first place! 2

Enterprises globalize and hunt for more specialized skills
 with this, the role of HR professionals in Recruitment become strategic than ever before. Companies want HR professionals to spend more time and effort in sourcing rich talent into organizations.

Human Capital Management: Your role as a manager needs to be focused on training and developing employees!

Human Capital Management: Your role as a manager needs to be focused on training and developing employees! 5

Skilled managers have become critical to the success of companies today. This is because managers play a pivotal role in talent management. Diplomatic managers can attract and convert prospective candidates into employees, drive performance, engagement and retention, and play a key role in improving employees’ contribution to the organization success. Poor managers who cannot play […]

Towards the new wave of learning and development

Towards the new wave of learning and development 7

What is the most commonly used training approach in organizations? An employee is invited to a training session, ideally in a training room at a specified time, to focus on a series of product/service demonstrations, and sent back to work. Content is pushed down to employees based on the training need and effectiveness is measured […]

Why should HRIS leverage a SaaS model?

Why should HRIS leverage a SaaS model? 8

A HRIS performs administrative functions, including core HR data, employee attendence data, performance reviews, payroll management etc. In addition, an HRIS typically includes self-service functions that support employee and superior interaction. HRIS solutions that leverage a SaaS model have been in place for many decades. Today we will outline the importance of a SaaS deployment […]

4 guidelines to revive HR!

4 guidelines to revive HR! 9

1. Revive HR departments to deliver solutions: As we have analysed many times, businesses should look at how they can redesign HR, concentrating on becoming consultants of talent management to the organizations, rather than focusing on maximising efficiency of administration processes. HR leaders of organizations must become trusted corporate advisors with the fundamental skills to […]

HR to enrich the growth of organisations and nations!

HR to enrich the growth of organisations and nations! 10

Our blog squad has continuously discussed how HR assists the growth of organizations by hiring rich talent and mentoring them to help the strategic directions of an organization. Beyond this, we realize that HR does play an instrumental role in contributing to nations. The development of ‘Human Capital’ encompassing skills, competencies and experience and know-how […]