Kenalan dengan MiA,
AI assistant in Thailand,
hidup Anda lebih santai!

MiA on Microsoft Teams for MiHCM Lite & Enterprise users

Get reminders on meetings, access your GPT AI knowledge base & recruit new hires easily.

Tidak menggunakan Microsoft Teams? Coba GPT MiA di web. Try GPT MiA on the web.

MiA | TH 1

Sekilas Pandang

MiA | TH 2

Berjalan di Microsoft Teams

MiA | TH 3

Untuk semua bisnis, apa pun ukurannya

MiA | TH 4

Terintegrasi dengan sistem HR MiHCM Lite & Enterprise

MiA | TH 5

Membantu dan memberi tahu tugas pekerjaan harian

MiA | TH 6

Basis pengetahuan bertenaga GPT AI

MiA | TH 7

Integrasi dengan aplikasi Office 365

MiA | TH 8

Analitik & Dasbor

MiA | TH 9

Memantau kesejahteraan karyawan

MiA | TH 10

Menghemat waktu dalam melakukan tugas HR rutin

MiA | TH 11

Dibuat untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan karyawan

MiA | TH 6

Basis pengetahuan bertenaga GPT AI

MiA | TH 13

Selesaikan lebih banyak dalam waktu lebih singkat.

Introducing MiA, the virtual AI assistant for businesses of all sizes. Simplify your workday and get the help you need to become a productive ninja.

MiA for Microsoft Teams integrates seamlessly with MiHCM Lite & Enterprise cloud HR, helping you accomplish your daily HR and work tasks. Ask MiA any company-related questions and get AI-powered answers, thanks to GPT technology.

Features & Benefits

Mulailah perjalanan produktif Anda.

Daily Reminders & Attendance

Ubah awal hari yang sibuk menjadi hari yang damai.

Kurangi kekacauan, jadi lebih fokus, lebih menjadi diri Anda. Asisten digital MiA membantu Anda merampingkan hari Anda dan menambah kejelasan pada kehidupan kerja Anda. Nikmati bantuan virtual dari chatbot on-demand yang mengelola tugas rutin HR Anda sementara Anda fokus pada gambaran yang lebih besar.

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Telat? Ga lagi!

MiA reminds you to check in & check out daily & assists you with the whole process. When you clock in, our virtual AI assistant takes in your exact location & records the information on our MiHCM HR system, making it so much easier to keep tabs on employee attendance.

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Ubah jadwal kerja dengan mudah.

Lupa absen masuk atau ingin menyesuaikan catatan waktu kerja? MiA for Microsoft Teams bisa membantu Anda mengoreksi jam masuk & pulang kerja serta mengirimkannya langsung ke pemberi persetujuan Anda.

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Temukan wawasan produktivitas.

Dapatkan informasi produktivitas tim dalam skala harian serta mingguan. Kenali kesenjangan kinerja tim & tangani masalah dengan cepat.

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Never miss out on meetings & tasks

Tetap Fokus pada Pekerjaan, Bot AI kami mengirimkan pengingat harian untuk rapat & tugas yang akan datang, disinkronkan Secara mulus dengan Outlook Calendar & Microsoft Planner.

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Timesheets, Leave & more

All your routine HR requests & approvals: Done & Dusted.

Say goodbye to endless emails and tedious form-filling. MiA works with MiHCM Lite & Enterprise cloud HR to push automated workflows, ensuring the right people see the right requests. The result? Faster approvals, happier employees, and more time for what truly matters.

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Fokus pada relaksasi, biar MiA urus sisanya.

Check the number of leave days, apply for leave requests & keep track of your leave balance through our virtual assistant, MiA for Microsoft Teams.

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Approve team leave & requests.

Get instant notifications on leave requests, leave approvals & pending action items. Our AI assistant helps you grant wishes like a genie!

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Akhiri hari dengan catatan waktu harian.

Kirimkan tugas HR harian Anda dengan mudah ke sistem HRIS kami melalui MiA. Tambahkan jam kerja dengan deskripsi dan akhiri hari Anda dengan lancar

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Pesan ruang kerja Anda seketika.

Perfect for hybrid workplaces & co-working spaces. Let our chatbot reserve your workspace for the day you work from office.

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Akses gaji Anda dengan cepat.

MiA provides you with all your pay details conveniently right at your fingertips. MiHCM Lite & Enterprise HR & payroll software push electronic payslips to MiA, giving every employee easy access to view their salary slip.

Want to know what it's like to have a DigitaI Assistant?

MiA Recruitment & Onboarding

Temui tim masa depan Anda di MiA.

Streamline your search and land the next rockstars. Our HR system collaborates with MiA to provide a seamless employee experience. View CVs, conduct evaluations, move candidates through stages, and get them onboarded in a click!

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MiA | TH 27

Wawancara. Daftar Pendek. Ulangi.

Saring kandidat & lihat semua dokumen penting, mulai dari info pelamar & resume hingga portofolio di MiA for Microsoft Teams. Lakukan wawancara video, selesaikan evaluasi kandidat, pilih kandidat terbaik & pindahkan mereka ke tahap selanjutnya dalam proses perekrutan.

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Onboard. Integrasi. Sukses.

Give your new hires the best employee onboarding experience. Our AI assistant syncs with MiHCM Lite & Enterprise cloud HR to provide a personalised onboarding program with videos, documents & follow-up questionnaires, keeping your employees engaged throughout the process.

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MiA Feelings

Semangat hari ini?

Tiny signals, big impact. MiA Feelings offers a real-time glimpse into your team's mood and needs, giving you insights into the difference between a silent struggle and a timely intervention. Ditch the guesswork and keep your team's well-being humming with the help of MiHCM Lite & Enterprise HR software.

MiA | TH 30

Karyawan senang, tempat kerja menyenangkan.

Pantau kesejahteraan karyawan setiap hari. Pilih emosi yang sesuai dengan suasana hati & dorong karyawan Anda untuk mengungkapkan perasaan mereka yang sebenarnya. Beri karyawan Anda kebebasan untuk berbagi tanggapan secara anonim.

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Analisis perasaan keseluruhan.

Unearth employee emotions at work with detailed insights into engagement & emotional movements on our HR system. Check individual & anonymous responses & understand them through a word cloud displaying the most used words.

Selamat datang di kehidupan dengan MiA.

Keterlibatan Karyawan

Suarakan pendapat untuk maju bersama.

Become active participants in shaping the workplace. Our AI bot empowers your workforce to speak their truth through HR connections and pulse surveys created via the MiHCM Lite & Enterprise cloud HR. Let’s keep the conversations going!

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Lakukan survei karyawan.

Turn up the volume on employee voices. Our virtual assistant helps push surveys & provides insights into employee feedback, directly on our HR system.

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<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Terhubung dengan HR.

Gunakan fitur Reach HR untuk mengirim dan melihat semua permintaan ad-hoc, menyampaikan keluhan dan saran, semuanya tanpa meninggalkan meja Anda.

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Dapatkan pemberitahuan acara instan.

Don’t forget those special moments! Our virtual assistant works with our HR software to keep you informed of team birthdays & work anniversaries, making it easy to send your wishes.

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Basis Pengetahuan GPT AI MiA

Tanyakan MiA apa pun tentang bisnis Anda.

Any business question - instantly answered. Supported on Microsoft Teams & web, Ask MiA provides you with concise and accurate answers to your business questions, helping you transform your internal information into business breakthroughs!

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Tanya apa saja, dapatkan semuanya.

Ubah informasi internal Anda menjadi pusat pengetahuan yang kuat. MiA dengan teknologi GPT AI dapat memproses data bisnis Anda & menghasilkan informasi khusus – teks email, ringkasan & lainnya!

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Berikan akses ke hal-hal penting.

Kontrol tingkat izin & berikan informasi secara selektif. Ask MiA menyediakan izin khusus yang hanya memberikan respons kepada personel yang diizinkan.

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Lihat wawasan kueri.

Dapatkan analitik HR tentang kata kunci teratas, jumlah kueri & tag yang digunakan untuk membantu mendorong organisasi yang lebih memberdayakan data.

MiA menawarkan lebih banyak.

Insights & Trends

Knowledge Hub

Everything you need to know about HR: Tips, Tricks & Tools

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AI-powered HR innovations SmartAssist and SmartInsights shake up a storm

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HR analytics, the superstar in the digital HR deck

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AI-powered HR innovations SmartAssist and SmartInsights shake up a storm