Fast-track your HR work with

MiHCM SmartAssist

AI-powered HR co-pilot for MiHCM Lite & Enterprise

Simplify your workload with a click. Discover employee potential with our powerful AI tool - instant productivity at your fingertips.

Scroll down to explore the next big add-on for MiHCM Lite & Enterprise.

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The ultimate

productivity hack for

HR Professionals.

Say hello to streamlined HR! MiHCM SmartAssist unveils the concept of “one-click-to-finish”, taking the hassle out of your workday and empowering you to complete your HR work in record time. With a click of a button, you can do more in your day than ever before, leaving you ample time to focus on your greatest asset – your people.

Say hello to streamlined HR! MiHCM SmartAssist unveils the concept of “one-click-to-finish”, taking the hassle out of your workday and empowering you to complete your HR work in record time.

With a click of a button, you can do more in your day than ever before, leaving you ample time to focus on your greatest asset – your people.

SmartAssist is designed to unlock employee potential, providing agility, simplicity, and inspiration to your workforce. Our AI-powered HR co-pilot is here to enhance your HR and take care of your routine tasks.

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Less Work, More Wow.

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Everything you need to know about HR: Tips, Tricks & Tools

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Why must businesses in Cambodia choose HR automation?

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Why should businesses in Thailand turn to HR process automation?

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Why must businesses in Cambodia choose HR automation?