Human Capital Management: Your role as a manager needs to be focused on training and developing employees!

Skilled managers have become critical to the success of companies today. This is because managers play a pivotal role in talent management. Diplomatic managers can attract and convert prospective candidates into employees, drive performance, engagement and retention, and play a key role in improving employees’ contribution to the organization success. Poor managers who cannot play […]
Automate your HR tasks: Add incredible value to HR from the perspective of productivity building!

Lately, the role of HR professionals has advanced into the strategic phase. The new wave of HR requires HR Professionals to move beyond the mountains of paperwork, payroll,and event planning, HR professionals are being asked to assist the future of the company through strategic practices such as performance management,analysis of workforce trends and potential, talent […]
Towards the new wave of learning and development

What is the most commonly used training approach in organizations? An employee is invited to a training session, ideally in a training room at a specified time, to focus on a series of product/service demonstrations, and sent back to work. Content is pushed down to employees based on the training need and effectiveness is measured […]