What do HR professionals need to become ‘Anticipators’?

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According to the Global Leadership Forecast 2014/2015 (compiled by Development Dimension International-DDI), HR professionals may perform 3 roles within an organization. According to the statistics, 22% of HR professionals are “Reactors” who follow policies/practices; by providing tools/systems and responds to requested business needs. Another 60% of HR professionals are “Partners” who openly exchange information with the business about current issues; thus achieve mutual goals collaboratively.

According to this report, It’s time to raise the bar in HR to take on a new role we call “Anticipator”. Anticipators are always awaiting the next change. They work with the business to envision the future talent gaps and then to make an effort to close the gaps. They are able to proactively show the leaders on strategies that can be successfully implemented with the quality talent they have in the organization.

Our discussion today, will focus on one aspect that will definitely help HR practitioners to focus more on the “Strategic Planning” of an organization rather than getting bogged down with operational HR matters such as drafting and distributing letters etc…. Yes our discussion today will be on “How HRIS releases HR practitioners from regular/ operational HR tasks to focus more on “Corporate Strategic Planning”.

With the endless involovement in operational HR tasks,

  1. How will HR professionals save on their time and efforts invested on regular HR functionalities?
  2. How will they put stronger focus on programs that foster employee efficiency and retention?
  3. How will they identify existing talent gaps and close them?
  4. How will they proactively advise leaders on the strategies that will drive the company mission?

An actionable and concrete recommendation for HR professionals to answer these, is to institute a HRIS to perform with both operational and strategic HR functions Microimage HRIS solution encompasses separate HR modules to help small and medium enterprises to large conglomerates to perform a gamut of HR functions much efficiently, giving the HR leaders the time to focus more on the “Strategic Planning” of the company.

The skills and knowledge that drove HR to it’s existing role won’t be adequate in the future. HR needs to constantly learn and evolve to avoid their skills getting obsolete. Role of Human Capital Management will need to change into a strategic phase from an operational role. Hence, we recommend the HR practitioners/ professionals to delegate the execution of HR functions to a HRISand focus more on identifying and closing talent gaps and assisting the strategic planning process of the company by supplying the talent of best quality.

Visit Microimage HCM to explore how our HRIS will help HR professionals become Anticipators by performing their HR tasks with a fully fledged HRIS and taking more time and effort to support the strategic planning of the company!

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