HR analytics, the superstar in the digital HR deck

The superstar in the digital HR deck, HR analytics has been steadily transforming business operations ever since it entered the HR arena. However, its application has grown rapidly over the last few years, making it one of the leading business gamechangers of today. Let’s look at exactly what HR analytics does and how it empowers […]
Why should businesses invest in a digital HR solution?

How do you know whether your business needs to invest in a digital HR software solution? Here’s how. First, answer these three simple questions: Is your company drowning in manual processes and paper-based systems? Do you need days or weeks to sift through data and make critical decisions? Does your company run the risk of […]
10 important questions answered when shifting to HR software

Okay, let’s start with an exercise. Instead of drowning in paperwork, imagine your HR team soaring through tasks with the agility of a digital eagle.
8 ultimate reasons to invest in an online payroll system

Let’s face it. Paychecks matter. Sure, we chase passion but let’s not pretend rent doesn’t have a say in where we channel our fire.
Streamline workforce operations with cutting-edge HR software

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operations and stay ahead of the competition.
7 easy tips to boost workplace productivity

Your boss wanted that report yesterday. Your colleague requires your help with that project proposal, and you still have a pile of work to finish.
Elevate your small business with the MiHCM Lite Digital HR solution

As a small business owner, you may have limited resources to manage your HR and employee-related tasks.
Simplify your HR activities in the digital world

From the hiring to the retirement of an employee, every HR team needs to be on their toes when managing the company’s HR activities without any errors.
Workforce productivity, a mouthful for biz across the world

With the global economy still adjusting to the long-term economic effects of the pandemic, businesses across the world are being faced with several common challenges.
Adapting to the new normal with face recognition devices

2020, unlike any other year, shook the entire world with the spread of Covid-19 virus which was later labelled as a global pandemic.