How to make effective HR decisions with HR Analytics

Data is now the most valuable asset in an organization. In contrary to all misinterpreted ways of sourcing and selling consumer-driven data,
How organisations became more employee driven: The evolution of performance management

Day by day, organizations grow more focused on employee satisfaction. Managements opt to give training, carry out surveys, and allow more flexible hours.
Top 5 most useful HR analytics you should know

Employee data can be the most important and critical asset to your HR department, but only if used properly.
Can bots and humans co-exist?

Following the idea that chatbots may eventually remove the ‘Human’ from Human Resources, existing studies already suggest that chatbots could generate annual savings greater than $8 billion by 2022.
Bet on the bots: AI-based chatbots will truly digitalise HR

In the day and age of technology where meals, shopping and car rides are but one click away, Millenials and the rising Generation Z have developed nothing more than impatience and a need for instant gratification.
Rising trends in Digital HR you must know about

We are almost at the end of 2018, and we have witnessed a drastic change in the way Digital HR has been used in organisations.
Lay the groundwork right: Level up your onboarding

Welcoming your candidates into the organisation is one of the most important tasks. Why? The first impression always matters, and it depends on how you welcome your new recruits to the organisation.
Why is goal setting important for your organisation?

Every organization has an ultimate goal; which is to become successful. However, this primary goal cannot be achieved without the help of its people and decision makers.
Leap forward in Human Capital Management with Digital HR

We work with our clients to revisit their HR strategies in response to the digital age and workplace disruptions. Like we highlight in many posts, we believe digital HR to be the catalyst for “transformative” change in the modern workplace.
Does your organisation have what it takes to keep employees engaged and motivated?

Are your organization’s employees poorly engaged in their work? Lack of employee engagement is a significant cost to your organization.