For Start-Ups
& Small Businesses in Sri Lanka
Hingga 250 karyawan
Cocok untuk operasi SDM sederhana
Inti SDM, Gaji & Absensi dengan Add-ons
Pengalaman Web & Mobile
Localised to Sri Lankan labour laws & regulations
Small businesses don’t stay small. That’s why, the MiHCM Lite HRIS system is designed to stay ahead of your HR and business needs, providing an ultra-cool employee management system and workplace experience that keeps you wanting more.
Kelola & lacak informasi karyawan, dokumen penting serta surat terkait. Atur batasan pengguna & peran untuk setiap modul.
Buat struktur organisasi dengan garis pelaporan yang jelas & lihat hingga profil karyawan.
Tentukan deskripsi pekerjaan, kualifikasi & pengalaman kerja. Lihat persetujuan alur kerja otomatis untuk setiap level.
Kelola siklus hidup karyawan dari transfer, promosi, pengunduran diri & pemutusan hubungan kerja hingga reaktivasi.
Empower employees to oversee their attendance, submit timesheets & handle their leave on the MiHCM HRIS system.
Kelola cuti, hari libur & pencairan dari konversi cuti di akhir tahun dengan mudah.
Payroll system designed to handle country-specific compliances – localised to suit the statutory requirements of Sri Lanka with immediate changes.
Lakukan pengecekan yang lengkap dalam penggajian, termasuk kehadiran karyawan Anda hingga pinjaman sebelum memproses gaji.
Integrated into the Time & Attendance management system to ensure attendance & overtime are automatically calculated.
Lakukan rekonsiliasi antara tunjangan, potongan, dan lembur untuk memastikan kelancaran penggajian.
Akses laporan bulanan terkait peraturan, absensi, dan cuti untuk memeriksa ketidakhadiran tanpa izin, absensi harian, dan lainnya secara efisien.
Unduh file penggajian dengan mudah dan upload ke bank mana pun. Software MiHCM Payroll secara otomatis mengirim slip gaji ke aplikasi MiHCM Mobile & web.
Empower your employees to clock in & clock out daily with their exact locations & submit daily timesheets. Our HR management system helps you track employee attendance so easily.
Dapatkan gambaran analitik lengkap terkait jam kerja karyawan, ketidakhadiran, dan lembur dengan filter demografis dalam satu sistem HRIS.
Atur Jadwal Kerja Secara Flexibel dan Mudah! Bayangkan mengatur jadwal kerja yang rumit dengan banyak karyawan, shift berbeda-beda, dan pergantian tengah malam kini jadi gampang!
Connect effortlessly to any automated biometric device including facial clocking, fingerprint system for attendance & iris recognition for a seamless employee experience.
Track employee overtime & ensure they get compensated accurately. Calculate single, double, or even triple overtime pay – whichever works for you on our HCM software.
Akses data karyawan secara real-time: mudah, cepat, dan akurat.
Dapatkan Kilas Gambaran Tenaga Kerja Anda: Akses informasi tentang demografi karyawan, pergerakan, dan lainnya.
Dapatkan informasi lebih detail tentang jumlah karyawan, turnover & keberagaman untuk meningkatkan produktivitas & semangat kerja secara keseluruhan.
Go deep into your data. Build your queries & get the information you need instantly. Our HR system empowers you to create your tailored data questions.
Berdayakan karyawan Anda untuk mengerjakan tugas HR sehari-hari, mulai dari pengajuan & persetujuan cuti hingga perubahan jam kerja saat Anda sedang bepergian.
Aplikasi Seluler kami mengizinkan karyawan untuk terhubung dengan tim mereka & mengucapkan selamat atas ulang tahun kerja serta ulang tahun mereka. Sampaikan pengumuman & pembaruan perusahaan langsung ke aplikasi seluler MiHCM.
Clock in & clock out dari mana saja. Aplikasi seluler menggunakan GPS untuk melacak lokasi Anda setiap saat.
MIHCM enables me to engage in operational and decision-making work instead of routine tasks. Its usage of AI and Power BI tools helps us make the right decisions. We have a large employee base and an island-wide presence, so we use the cloud-based MiHCM system and mobile app. Move to MiHCM if you wish to develop your HR department, centralise your work, and use your team productively. It is a global product that is far ahead of other software in the HR market.
With over 20,000 employees across the globe, it is extremely important for us to be able to have all employee-related functions under one platform. The implementation of the MiHCM system across Hela enhances our ability to connect with our employees and access critical HR data easily, allowing us to build a progressive HR division that is ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow. The talent management module will further help Hela understand employee performance, facilitate training and development programmes, and even help hire the right talent
We’ve been working with the MiHCM team for a long time. The upgrade and introduction of new features is very reassuring. The decision Axiata Digital Labs made to go with MiHCM is bearing fruit for us; the entire lifecycle is looked at, including recruitment, succession planning, talent development, the MiA assistant, SmartAssist letter builder, and so on. Working with MiHCM, we can digitalise the entire process.
Timex Garments has been operating in the apparel industry since 1967. We chose MiHCM because I know how it is built and how it works. Having done comparisons with other local and global HR solutions, Timex chose MiHCM
Hela is on a journey towards digitalisation, which we believe will be crucial in preparing us to face the challenging times ahead successfully. The partnership with MiHCM is another step forward in terms of digitalising our HR processes for heightened efficiency and productivity
Fitur-fitur canggih yang diperkenalkan oleh MiHCM termasuk pembangun alur kerja telah memungkinkan kami untuk mengoptimalkan operasi SDM kami secara signifikan. Saat ini kami mengelola keseluruhan dimensi SDM dan manajemen bakat dari 3500 karyawan dengan sistem MiHCM. Yang lebih penting, aplikasi seluler MiHCM dan kemampuan bekerja dari rumah telah memungkinkan tenaga kerja jarak jauh kami untuk mengelola kebutuhan SDM mereka dengan mudah.
Your team made the transition simple from our existing system to MiHCM’s system. You guys are friendly and always attend to our problems in a quick and efficient manner. Managing payroll has never been easier!”
Your team made the transition simple from our existing system to MiHCM’s system. You guys are friendly and always attend to our problems in a quick and efficient manner. Managing payroll has never been easier!”