HR should unlock its potential with Digital HR!

Throughout our blog we’ve discussed how talent has going digital with Digital HR and how digital keeps disrupting the HR and talent management fronts every day.
Is Digital HR the enormous fast-growing HR trend?

HR is under intense pressure from leadership levels of organizations to make HR, a strategic contributor of the organization.
Should HR move out of the slow lane? Reach Digital HR!

Digital technology is bringing many benefits to businesses and HR.
Digital technology is pervaded to many industries, delivering convenience to customers. Over 7 billion population in this world uses mobile phones.
Are you forcing employees to use HR software?

Basically this quote means that world is preparing for the unknown changes that could happen in the future. So, this is the nature of predictions we do to prepare ourselves for the future. While it is interesting to understand how Governments,
Improvement, sophistication & maturity in workforce analytics with Digital HR

Sweeping global forces are changing the way businesses operate. Four powerful forces out of these are creating dramatic improvements in businesses and particularly in HR. Social, Mobile, Workforce Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) are these forces.
Digital HR vision in 2016?

The paradigm of digital disruption is impacting HR. Digital HR service delivery methods to employees. HR is reaching the forefront of the journey to digital with cloud, social and mobile capabilities integrated to numerous business functions.
Digital HR Revolution- Reviving the HR experience

A new wave of HR technology and HR experience design is on the horizon. Mobile, Social, Cloud and Analytics centric technologies encourage HR leaders to revamp the employee experience through new, digital HR service delivery channels.
Are we ready for next-gen performance management?

Our previous post was dedicated to discuss how performance management is changing at fevered pace and how numerous articles articulate this trend. As the topic is gaining traction every minute, why not we dive deep on Performance Management?
What’s next in employee performance management?

We spent the first half of 2016, visiting established enterprises in Baking and Financial services, IT, Multinationals to many others. In many of these fast growing companies, the hot button topic people wanted to discuss was Employee Performance Management.
Engaging employee experience with Digital HR

The leading HR software solutions providers are more client-centric, digital-savvy and inclusive. These vendors capitalize on Digital HR to deliver best HR results to client organizations.