Planning to implement TMS (Talent Management System)? Here are few clues from HR!

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This post is literally dedicated to all HR professionals who wish to implement talent management systems in their organizations. We observe surprising amount of confusion on defining talent management. Talent management is misunderstood sometimes as only the performance management function or the recruitment process of an organization.

When we talk about talent management, it is important to understand that we are referring to a comprehensive exercise of attracting, assessing, developing and retaining best talent in the organization.

This process covers a multiple HR tasks such as performance management, training and development, recruitment,succession planning, employee benefits management etc. Addressing this precise definition of Talent Management, Microimage positions its HR software solution as a comprehensive talent management system organizations could benefit from.

Our HR software meant for talent management is well-planned talent management software that includes all essential elements related to attracting and retaining top talent within an organization.

Talent management software automates the processes talent management programs, optimizing it to administer and implement them. It also helps organizations to compile, analyse and use the data gathered to make confident business decisions.

Desired outcomes of rolling out a HR software that facilitates talent management are as follows;

1. Better workforce alignment

2. Increased employee performance

3. Broadened workforce capability through rigorous and robust training & development

4. Resilient business continuity by having the leadership pipeline fueled continuously with qualified prospects.

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