HR to enrich the growth of organisations and nations!

HR to enrich the growth of organisations and nations! 1

Our blog squad has continuously discussed how HR assists the growth of organizations by hiring rich talent and mentoring them to help the strategic directions of an organization. Beyond this, we realize that HR does play an instrumental role in contributing to nations. The development of ‘Human Capital’ encompassing skills, competencies and experience and know-how […]

What’s next? HR on paper or HR tech?

What’s next? HR on paper or HR tech? 3

We came across some interesting research findings of Starr Conspiracy Intelligence 2015. Their recent infographic developed on Hottest HR Technology Solutions 2015 reveals;

Helping organisations transform through HR

Helping organisations transform through HR 4

Today, our post will be based on a key trend we learned at one of the flagship local HR events held in Colombo, Sri Lanka last week. One highlight in this event was the discussion on “Modern Trends in HR for National Prosperity”. We recognised this as one of the interesting subjects to analyse in […]

The evolving need for a Talent Management Suite!

The evolving need for a Talent Management Suite! 5

Talent management suites are an integrated collection of components including talent acquisition to on-boarding, performance appraisal, goal management, career development, succession management, learning management, benefits management. These components will help companies perform Human Capital Management Processes of planning to screen and source talent, acquire and on-board, assess performance, reward and develop employees with training.

Role of HR… Do we need a revamp?

Role of HR… Do we need a revamp? 6

Is HR keeping its pace with the evolving business changes? Let’s put some time on thinking through the role of HR organizations in today’s business! HR, designed primarily as an administrative or compliance function, today’s HR is expected to support below “Business Needs”;

A shift in the purpose of HR software!

A shift in the purpose of HR software! 7

Among the key and perhaps most profound concern impacting HR technology today is the shift in the purpose of the HR software itself. 2 or 3 decades back, HR software was designed with the motive of automating, compiling and managing HR processes and data.

What do HR professionals need to become ‘Anticipators’?

What do HR professionals need to become 'Anticipators'? 8

According to the Global Leadership Forecast 2014/2015 (compiled by Development Dimension International-DDI), HR professionals may perform 3 roles within an organization. According to the statistics, 22% of HR professionals are “Reactors” who follow policies/practices; by providing tools/systems and responds to requested business needs. Another 60% of HR professionals are “Partners” who openly exchange information with […]

Transforming HR into a business integrated process

Transforming HR into a business integrated process 9

In this phase of rapid business development and changes in the macro environment, all business leaders should be competent to execute relevant strategies to take each department to the next level, helping organizations embrace opportunities in the external environment.